
WSET Diploma - unit 4 Spirit exercise for theory questions

離考試兩個星期多d, 做下D題目先, 但我而家open book做都唔易, 而且冇咩idea 10分鐘寫幾多, 而且我下面係寫20分鐘的長度來的。anyway,俾大家參考下先。


Armagnac is the France’s first brandy. Today, its volume is about 18000 hL, but when the period of Phylloxera, volume has dropped to 5000 in 1937 and the reputation Is ruined at that time and now have already recovered.

Unlike Cognac, which have 4 main distilleries, Armagnac has many small merchant house and estate producers but without any dominant distilleries. The label terms are similar to Congac, which consists of VS, VSOP, Napolean, XO and vintage, of which XO and vintage consists of 40% of sales. The ageing requirement in oak barrels are 1, 4, 6, 10 years respectively.

For the grape variety, total 10 are permitted and 4 are playing the important roles: Ugni Blanc (Terbbiano in Italian): 55% plantings, with good disease resistant, low sugar and high in acid therefore low in alcohol. It gives grapy and floral character.
Baco: 32% plantings, with rich, earthy, prune-like character
Folle Blanche: mainly floral
Colombard: spicy, peppery edge

For the crus of Armagnac, the majority planting is Bas Armaganc, and then comes to Tenereze and Haut Armaganc. However, it is hard to pinpoint the role of the style of given cru, as very varied landscape across the region. For the winemaking process, addition of SO2 and must enrichment is prohibited, and fermentation Is made separately for different grapes, and is about 8 – 10% abv.

For the distillation process, although either pot stills or continuous still is used, a unique column still called alembic Armagnacais is used. It is made up of a burner, a column, a wine heater and condenser. Wine is flow through to the condenser by gravity, goes to heater when heated, and then passed into the still. Vapours will pass back into the serpentine in the wine heater and condenser before collected as new spirit. The column still is at 17 plates maximum. Grape varieties are distilled separately, as the still is not stopped, when the first grape variety is used up , it switches over to the second immediately. It may result to a barrels for both wines are collected.

For the maturation, it is spent to new oak barrels for the short period and then goes to old. European oak is preferred but black oak from Monlezun forest is also use.


WSET Diploma - Spirits Tasting (2nd trial - part 1)

接著的另一晚,總共寫了13支tasting notes,好艱苦,但唔做唔得。其實讀這一課真的有點痛苦,因為任何spirit都要試,包括你鐘意同唔鐘意的。


WSET Diploma - Spirits Tasting (1st trial)

為了6月10日unit 4 exam spirit exam的緣故,考試三人組又再出動,之前搜索過的liqueurs剛好也大派用場。我就借用這裡,讓大家分享一下先前寫的tasting note。這次的課題主要是rum,再加兩支大家平日不常見的。